GOOD FRIDAY: Remembering the sacrifice of our Lord
On Good Friday, we remember the sacrifice at Calvary of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Nothing in all history comes close to rivalling this single event, the crucifixion of our Lord on Good Friday.
An obscure carpenter in a remote backwater of the Roman Empire gathered twelve followers and preached his message for a mere three years, before being executed.
Despite this, he became the most revered, the most important and the most worshipped figure in all human history.
Jesus of Nazareth is worshipped by countless billions as the Son of God.
This lowly, obscure preacher became the most significant figure of all time.
Today, on Good Friday, Christians remember his world-changing sacrifice on the Cross.
The Crucifixion was foretold hundreds of years before it even happened.
The prophet Isaiah wrote 700 years before Christ was even born:
‘But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.’ Isaiah 53:5
Britain First is a Christian movement and always will be.
1,500 years of Christianity made this nation great.
Christianity forged our way of life, our culture, our law, our architecture, our traditions, our customs, our morality, our values and on and on.
Unless Britain returns to the healthy, natural and moral values espoused in the Bible, we are doomed as a nation.
Never forget where it all began, on the Cross at Calvary:
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