Ken Kearsey to Bishop of Sherborne: Wake up to reality of Islam!
We reported yesterday on the spiteful letter from Karen Gorham, Bishop of Sherborne, to Christian activist Ken Kearsey, threatening him with de facto excommunication from the Church should he continue his association with Britain First.
The lady bishop, a notorious left-winger and vocal advocate of public nudity (one wonders what her 'interfaith' Islamic chums make of that!), evidently believes that patriotic conservatives have no place in the Church of England.
Naturally, Ken refuses to buckle to threats and today penned the following uncompromising reply:
Dear Karen
In response to your letter I would like to address in chronological order the many issues you raised.
Britain First, although not supported directly by any denomination has wide support across the vast Christian community and Christians individually. In particular the founder of a well known and respected international Christian charity has admitted
privately that he agrees with everything Britain First stands for but for fear of reprisals he cannot show his support publicly. Britain First do stand for and defend Christian traditions and values. I have personally met many many Britain First activists and they, as I, do not 'hate' Islam but recognise the very real threat it poses to our nation. I personally have never hated anybody or anything.
You mention that in Dorset we pride ourselves in our care, concern and respect for diversity but obviously that doesn't include me or the countless others who share my views. I am very disappointed that you feel the need to challenge my claim to be a 'committed Christian'. I find this comment ill-judged and judgemental. I have faithfully served Our Lord for over 30 years since becoming a Christian in the 1980s. You, I assume, would describe yourself as a left leaning liberal Christian. I on the other hand consider myself more conservative in my views. That doesn't make you right and me wrong, it means we have a different perspective. The words of a Native American proverb state 'the right wing and the left wing belong to the same bird', words we would do well to remember and dwell upon.
You state that the actions of Britain First are self-serving. Paul Golding went to prison for having the courage to publicly say what most of us privately think. Going to prison for taking a stand is not self-serving. Amanda and Paul Hulme from Manchester lost their jobs and home for letting Britain First use a room in the pub that they managed. They paid the price for standing up for free speech. Again that is not self-serving.
No reference to the Anglican Church has been mentioned in any campaign literature.
I have thought long and hard and have indeed over an extensive period of time prayerfully considered if my involvement with Britain First is God's will. I know it is. As Christians we are of course aware that we are engaged in spiritual warfare but that
shouldn't mean that we are blind to the realities of the real world. We as a nation need to wake up to the danger that Islam presents. It is estimated by 2050-2060 based on birth rates alone that Great Britain will be an Islamic state. We may not be able to stop it from happening but I want on my headstone 'at least he tried'.
Finally you mention the atrocity of the act of terrorism in New Zealand. Britain First of course condemns such senseless killings, recognising that violence breeds yet more violence. When do we ever hear on the BBC or mass media generally about the slaughter of Christians on a daily basis by Islamic fundamentalists in countries such as Nigeria, Egypt, Syria, Philippines etc.? Hardly ever, if at all. I pray Karen that the scales will fall from your eyes personally and from those of the Church of England collectively and you will cease from endless 'inter-faith dialogue' and wake up and see Islam for what it is. One thing it is not is a religion of peace.
Blessings, your brother in Christ
Ken Kearsey
Bishop's reply:
Dear Ken
I will not correspond any more. However you failed to address the points I raised in my letter concerning your own ministry, and the fact that you are a member of a political party which is not supported by any of the Christian denominations. This distances you from the Church. This is not about my own personal faith, but the faith of the Church of England.
On receiving your reply I have no alternative than to withdraw your commission as a Lay Pastoral Assistant. The diocese is also putting out a press release this week, supporting the local church and community on Littlemoor, and in Dorset, who wish to disassociate themselves from a right wing political party.
I would ask that you do not state on any of your literature that you are in training for ministry in the Church of England as this is not true. I will be forwarding your response to your incumbent.
Update from Ken:
Just had a meeting with my vicar and church wardens and I have effectively been kicked out of my local church! Hey ho, just another day on the front line! It makes me even more determined to stand up for what is right. It's all worth it for Britain First and for our nation. ✝ OCS
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