BALLYMENA SAYS NO! Britain First holds local street rally

Following on from our successful and popular day of action in Ballymena town centre, Britain First held a street rally that attracted one-hundred and fifty local residents.

We had originally planned to hold a small indoor gathering and catered for around thirty activists and local residents.

However, when 3pm came the entire local pub was packed to the rafters and we were forced to take our rally out onto the streets.

To our surprise, huge numbers of local residents turned up and our PA system and camera equipment were dragged outside.

The turnout was a symptom of the deep disillusionment with the influx of gypsies from Eastern Europe into this small town.

Britain First leader Paul Golding gave a passionate and rousing speech to the assembled crowd which was well received.

The streets echoed with cheers and applause.

After the rally ended, the assembled patriots headed inside for a social. 

Britain First is going to be leading the opposition in Ballymena to the migrant influx.


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