Canine Patriot Merlin Backs Britain First West Dorset!
Hello, my name's Merlin (I'm the strikingly handsome fellow in the photo below) and I'm very worried about this Islamisation business, because apparently under Islam canines like me are considered haram (sinful or impure - what a nerve!) - in fact many Muslims do not like us at all.
That's why, yesterday, I took my human along to the Britain First West Dorset social evening, where we met other humans who are opposing Islamisation, especially things like halal meat (yuck!), Islamic indoctrination in schools, and those horrid black burka things that always make me growl.
I'll be honest, the Whippet in me would rather run away from all this unpleasantness; but fortunately I'm mostly Rottweiler, and the Rottie part of me says: Stand and fight for Britain!
West Dorset patriots.
Branch Organiser Ken Kearsey shows off his skill at skittles!
So, I urge canine patriots everywhere to command their humans to join Britain First immediately - before man's best friend becomes haram!
Also, anyone who lives in Dorset (East or West) and would like to join our team can email us: [email protected]
We look forward to meeting you!
The West Dorset team plans to go out leafleting later this month - join us!
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