PETITION: Give the Chelmsford luxury flats to local Britons not illegal migrants!

25,093 Signatures
Goal: 50,000 Signatures


There has been widespread outrage that the Home Office has placed illegal immigrants in a luxury apartment complex in city of Chelmsford, Essex.

Locals have said it is 'grossly unfair' to house illegal immigrants in plush apartments while hundreds of local families were stuck in temporary and sub-standard accommodation.

The multi-million pound conversion of a former office block was billed as one of Chelmsford's most sought after residential complexes.

Yet working-age men who travel through peaceful countries, leaving their women and children behind, and who entered the UK illegally, have been pushed to the front of the queue and placed in this luxury apartment block.

This is treason of the highest order and a slap in the face for the people of Britain.

Britain First has launched an urgent petition to pressure Essex County Council leader Cllr Kevin Bentley to intervene and put local people first, before illegal immigrants.

Please add your name to the petition below:

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  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:28 +0100
    This is obscene. It is little wonder that these illegals keep pouring over unlimited into our country when they have no right,just want aneasy life.
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:25 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:23 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:20 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:20 +0100
    We have more than enough of our own homeless and disabled to look after!
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:19 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:15 +0100
    The government and you the Labour Party are an absolute disgrace to the Country of Britain, put British people first, shame on you all.
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:15 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:10 +0100
    How dare you place asylum seekers into highly sought after accommodation. Once the pics are circulated it will only encourage more boat people to come
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:09 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:17:03 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:59 +0100
    Tax payers money shouldn’t be here😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:57 +0100
    Absolutely disgusted. We have UK homeless that worked and paid into the system yet illegal immigrants are given priority.
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:55 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:50 +0100
    Disgraceful. Charity begins at home. Our own people MUST come first. We owe these people nothing.
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:48 +0100
    I know you are simply trying to buy future votes, from the immigrants you are housing. It is clear that you are a self serving traitor. Whatch out.
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:45 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:45 +0100
    Once again the government has shown it’s contempt for it’s own citizens. Get out of the UCHR. Send them back you cowards
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:44 +0100
    I recently wanted to take my only living relative, my frail 85 year old aunt to the beautiful Richmond Hotel in Liverpool. It was full of migrants.
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:43 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:43 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:43 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:42 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:32 +0100
    Stop the invaders in the channel, disable the boats and return to France, problem solved.
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:32 +0100
    It’s about time our people came first
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:20 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:15 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:13 +0100
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:12 +0100
    It makes me so angry and we have veterans living on the streets I’m absolutely disgusted with this government they don’t care for ùs
  • signed 2023-08-01 20:16:05 +0100