Paul Golding released from probation hostel

HQ has good and bad news to report today: The good news is that the pressure of being dragged into the High Court has shaken the Probation Service and they have voluntarily removed some of the outrageous licence conditions for Britain First leader Paul Golding.

Please allow us to explain:

There is an aspect of Paul's release we have had to keep quiet.

When Paul was released about a month ago, he wasn't allowed to return to his home address!

Instead, the Probation Service forced him to live in a hostel for prisoners in a multicultural area of London!

This hostel is filled with serious criminals who have nowhere to live, but Paul has many places he could have gone to when he was released!

The Probation Service forced him to live in this hostel because they wanted to put him in harm's way - there's no other explanation for this strange decision.

Paul was forced to keep his head down and use a semi-disguise to avoid being butchered in this heavily Muslim area of London.

There is no level the authorities won't stoop to to try and endanger and remove patriot leaders in this country!

The good news is that the Probation Service has now allowed Paul to return to his home address and have removed his daytime curfew times!

That's the good news - the bad news is that the delay and dithering from the Probation Service has now made it unfeasible to drag them into the High Court as Paul has only four weeks until he is a free man.

Paul has decided to ride the next four weeks out and then, on July 10th, swing into action with nationwide activities and start the work of rebuilding our movement from the ground up!

But, deputy leader Jayda Fransen is released on July 10th and it has been confirmed she will face the same restrictive licence conditions as Paul, including being forced to live in a stinking prisoner's hostel, for a whopping four and a half months!

This is unacceptable under any circumstances, but especially so because Jayda is female!

HQ does not want her being forced to live in a hostel in a multicultural area of London where she will also be banned from having Britain First security and anyone to keep her company or protect her!

So, we are gearing up again to challenge the Probation Service in the courts, but this time for our deputy leader Jayda Fransen!

Let's close ranks for Jayda and drag the nasty and irresponsible Probation Service into court to force them to drop her 'licence conditions'!

Target: £15,000
Raised so far: £6,820

Together we can give the establishment a bloody nose and force them to realise that Britain First is a force to be reckoned with!

1. Please CLICK HERE on the following link to make an urgent contribution online.

2. If you would prefer to send a cheque, make it payable to PATRIOT MERCHANDISE and send to our HQ address:

PO Box 119, Swanley, Kent, BR8 9DY, United Kingdom

Yours sincerely,
Britain First HQ

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