Sweden: Bombings up 45 per cent in terrorism crime wave

Sweden has seen 120 bombs this year so far, mainly in the immigrant-populated south of the country

Friday 23 August - The number of bombings in Sweden is increasing sharply. Up to July, a total of 120 had been made. During the same period last year, the figure was 83. This represents an increase of 45 percent.

The worst is the location in the southern region, where until July there were 44 blasts.


But police say they have no good explanation for the increase in bombings, which are increasing for the third year in a row.

- You can only really speculate on why at the moment. We have an increased problem with crime and exclusion, says Petra Stenkula, investigative director at the Police Region South, to DN.

In addition, crime, terror and insecurity have now reached such high levels that thousands of new security guards are needed in the country. Li Jansson, branch manager and vice president of the Security Companies, said:

'From a social perspective, of course, it is sad if there is a need for increased efforts for security and safety.'

Over the next few years, 3,200 security guards, 900 security guards and over 400 security guards are needed. Hundreds of alarm operators and officials are also needed, but above all, the need is security guards and security guards.

Li Jansson, branch manager and vice president of the Security Companies, explains to TT that the need for employment depends on various 'social trends' in Sweden. This is based, among other things, on a report from Eurostat, where Sweden, according to TT, is among the 'worst countries' regarding the number of residents experiencing crime, terror and insecurity in society.

Editor's comment - Almost everyone in authority in Sweden is wilfully ignoring the real reason behind this massive increase in crime, terror and insecurity - the flooding of the country with third-world immigrants who hold Swedish values in contempt. For the police to say 'they have no good explanation for the increase in bombings' is a dereliction of duty at the very least. On the plus side, it looks like profits in the security industry are going through the roof.


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