Timothy Burton releases new book detailing persecution due to 'Islamophobia'!

Pigeon on the Wing is essential reading for everyone who cares about freedom.

Even in an age that criminalises much of free speech, Tim Burton’s account of his trial and incarceration for offending an over-sensitive Muslim from the higher echelons of the British Establishment is both shocking and disturbing.

From being led down to the dungeons beneath the Inner London Crown Court, to survival in jail and eventual release – what’s amazing about this story is that it’s filled with gentle humour, satire, mockery and delicious British irony.

Tim Burton intersperses the recollections of his gruelling journey through the British justice system with reflections on the nature of Political Islam.

He explores the dire threat that it poses to everything that we in the West hold dear – and especially our freedom of speech.

Pigeon on the Wing is truly a book of our time, about a principled man who stood up for what he believed was right and was cynically punished for it.

It is funny, surprising, dark – but ultimately uplifting.

This book is the ideal Christmas gift - not only for you but for all your friends and relatives who do not yet understand the true, malignant nature of Political Islam and the threat that it poses to Western civilisation.

Available in Kindle and paperback format:

Find it here:



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