UPDATE: Free Speech trial postponed till February

The trial that was due to take place in mid-January in Belfast for ‘Hate Speech’ - or what ordinary Britons would call ‘criticising Islam’ - has now been delayed until mid-February.

This trial relates to an anti-terrorism rally last August where Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen were guest speakers.

Both Paul and Jayda said nothing wrong, except issue strong condemnations of extremist Islam and terrorism.

The police in Northern Ireland (the PSNI) are ultra-PC and a few years back they unsuccessfully prosecuted a popular elderly Christian preacher – Pastor McConnell – because he criticised Islam in his church.

Remember, under Sharia Law all criticism of Islam is banned – the establishment is trying to introduce these Islamic blasphemy laws into our country.

The trial will now take place on 13-14th February at Laganside Courts in Belfast.

We will provide more updates shortly.

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