Britain First submits official complaint against "Nation Cymru" for inflammatory claim

Britain First HQ has lodged an official complaint against the "Nation Cymru" for their ridiculous and inflammatory claim that Britain First would "hang" black and Muslim people.

This claim is, of course, total rubbish and has no basis in fact.

This is the text of the complaint sent to the Independent Press Standards Organisation:

The paragraph in question from the article is:
“Their propaganda is absolutely horrendous and to go around affecting black people, Muslims and others with the messages they are sending – to gain power which they never will do – if they were in power they will in fact hang them. Well, they are absolutely and utterly out of tune with what the world is looking at here in Wales."
To claim that Britain First would HANG black people and Muslims is wildly inaccurate, inflammatory and just plain wrong.
Britain First has many ethnic minority members, see here:
We request that the claim in question is removed without delay.
Yours sincerely
Paul Golding
Leader, Britain First

The article in question can be found by CLICKING HERE.

We await the result from IPSO of our official complaint. 

When we receive a reply, we will inform our supporters immediately.

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