CHANNEL 4: Britain First appears on '999: What's Your Emergency?'

Last night, Britain First appeared on the popular Channel 4 show, '999: What's Your Emergency?'

The show is described as:

'An inside look at the lives of emergency services personnel in the United Kingdom, following the specially trained police, fire and ambulance teams on the front line as they answer millions of emergency calls every year...'

Britain First was holding a day of action in Northampton town centre against a major mosque expansion. 

An idiot leftist called the police and when they arrived they had a camera team in tow.

The short clips of Britain First in the town centre show a pleasant, reasonable group of political activists going about their activities in peace. 

A lefty women then approaches the police and asks 'Is this actually allowed to happen?'

She is rebuked by the police officer, who explains we are just giving out leaflets and everyone has the right to do so. 

This segment of the programme, seen by millions of people, is testament to the discipline and good nature of our activists and our approach to campaigning among the public. 

Please watch the clip below and then share on social media:

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