India: Tackling Illegal Immigration (Part 2)

What lessons can our own UK Border Force learn from India?

Saturday 27 July - In Part 1 of this report, we looked at the enormous difference between the amount of resources and manpower allocated to defending the borders of the UK and the India / Bangladesh border.

The UK coastline as measured by the standard method at Mean High Water Mark is about 19,491 miles (31,368 km). However, with only 23,500 UK Border Force employees, this equates to just over one employee per mile of coastline.

Furthermore, these employees are not armed, even though illegal immigration has skyrocketed and people smugglers are resorting to ever more desperate and ruthless measures.

On the other hand, India’s Border Security Force has 186 battalions and 257,363 people to police a border of 2546 miles (4097km).

As we said in Part 1 of this report, the BSF is a paramilitary organization with an intelligence network, ten artillery units, air and marine wings, and canine and even camel units. BSF personnel are comprehensively armed and allowed to shoot on sight.

But the real difference is in the political will and determination of the authorities.

Last year, Assam, the part of India where the anti-illegal movement was born, began cracking down on the invading population with a 'detect-delete-deport' program. Assam’s program spotted 4 million illegal infiltrators in the state of 33 million. Many of them had made themselves at home in India, but lacked birth certificates and other documents showing that they were citizens.

The 'detect-delete-deport' program began by digitizing old paper records and then checking them against the documents that were submitted by the population. Tens of thousands of government employees reviewed millions of documents and then began checking and cross-referencing them. The lies weren’t hard to spot as when dozens of people claimed to have been born from the same mother.

The work is far from finished but the number of Muslim illegal aliens could climb as high as 20 million, and so could the deportations, once 'detect-delete-deport' is deployed across the entire country.

Will Boris Johnson have the political will and determination to carry out the same program here?


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