Outside the Factory of Hate: Britain First at Didsbury Mosque
By Dr George Whale - On the evening of 22 May 2017, Islamic terrorist Salman Ramadan Abedi exploded a bomb loaded with nuts and bolts at the Manchester Arena.
Abedi killed himself and 22 concert-goers, and injured 139 others - many of the victims were children (below).
Driving through Didsbury, five miles south of the Arena, you'd be hard-pushed to make a connection between Abedi's act of cynical barbarism and this leafy, well-heeled Manchester suburb.
But it was in Didsbury's Central Mosque that Abedi (below) practiced his creed, and there (many believe) that he developed a deep, deep hatred of the country and people that gave him a home.
For what hatred is purer, more concentrated, than that which drives a man to assassinate children only because they're western, non-Muslim, different to him?
In the months before the bloody attack, an imam at Didsbury Central Mosque is said to have praised jihad (below).
The mosque is known for peddling a radical brand of Salafist Islam, so it's no surprise that former worshippers include not only Abedi, but also several recruits to ISIS and al Qaeda.
In a sane society, such factories of hate would be closed down, their windows boarded up, their leaders jailed or deported.
But this is modern, multicultural Britain where - in the name of tolerance, you understand - anti-Western hatred is encouraged to fester and grow.
But tolerance for the intolerable is something Britain First will not tolerate.
So it was that last Saturday, stout-hearted Britain First activists met near the River Mersey (yes, it runs through Manchester) to protest and publicly demand strong action including closure of Didsbury and other hate factories across the country.
The turnout was excellent:
Men and women, young and old, newbies and veterans, united by an intense patriotism and determination to reverse Britain's slide into the abyss.
I was proud to be among them.
Support from the public was tremendous, as we've come to expect on these days of action.
Cars hooted, people shouted encouragement, passers-by joined in the protest.
I'd anticipated some difficulties with the police, but to give them their due they were generally courteous and hands-off.
Although they had a video surveillance van parked nearby, which always gives me the creeps.
As ever, the real hostility came from a ragtag bunch of leftists (I can tell their politics from the way they look).
They'd come to stand in solidarity with extremism, and were flummoxed by (Britain First leader) Paul Golding's challenges to condemn jihad-backing imams.
Like their ideological guru Comrade Corbyn, they just couldn't!
After the protest, everyone headed off to a pre-arranged political meeting in the garden of an agreeable pub on the outskirts of Manchester where, pints in hand, a large audience listened to rousing speeches from Yorkshire activist John Banks, local Manchester man John Lawrence (who spoke of an alarming rise in inter-racial violence in the inner-city), Liverpudlian patriot Paul Rimmer, and lastly Paul Golding.
Combining the day of action with a political meeting where people could chat, socialise and be inspired worked brilliantly, and we plan to hold more dual events of this kind elsewhere in the country.
Finally, a big thank-you to all who attended, especially the groups from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, our Polish and Romanian friends, and - last but not least - our formidable Britain First activists!
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