Sweden's hand grenade problem
In recent years, shootings, bombings and hand grenade attacks have become part and parcel of living in the major Swedish cities.
Grenade attacks used to be unknown in Sweden.
In 2016 alone, there were almost forty of them. (See Wikipedia: 'List of grenade attacks in Sweden'.)
Many Swedes blame the problem on immigration, but politicians refute this.
Paulina Neuding in The Spectator:
[I]t's still hard for Swedish authorities to be frank about what's going on. It's widely known that gang members are mainly first- and second-generation immigrants, and problems are rampant in what police euphemistically refer to as 'vulnerable areas'. Thus the gang wars serve as a constant reminder of Sweden's failed migration and integration policies. ... And yet politicians, in government and opposition, seem particularly concerned that violence in immigrant suburbs is a PR problem, a threat to the image of Sweden, and that the remedy is spin.
Of all Europe's nation-destroying traitors, Sweden's are surely among the most despicable.
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