The London results - A quick analysis by Paul Golding

This is a quick analysis of the London mayoral and assembly votes from today at City Hall.

In due course, I will publish a much more extensive analysis once I have had time to digest the nitty-gritty of the results.

Overall, I am happy with the results from London today.

The Britain First vote for the assembly was much higher than the mayor vote.

For example, over double the amount of 'Bexley & Bromley' voters voted for Britain First in the assembly compared to the mayoral race.

The same pattern could be seen in other boroughs, such as Havering etc.

Over one-third of our supporters decided to vote for the Tory candidate, Susan Hall, as the best way to get rid of Khan, in the mayor race, but still voted for us in the assembly race.

This explains why Britain First polled so badly in the mayoral race, but did so much better in the assembly race.

If all of our supporters had voted for us in both races, we would have placed much higher up the list in the mayoral race.

Notable parties that Britain First beat in the assembly vote include Reclaim/Laurence Fox, the Heritage Party, the SDP and many others.

The highlight of the day came later during the mayoral declaration.

Just as Sadiq Khan started his victory speech, the Britain First team let out a chorus of boos that forced him to stop!

Just at that moment, our candidate Nick Scanlon stormed off stage, shouting 'Khan killed London!'

This protest against Khan has gone viral, appearing on Sky News, GB News, BBC News, ITV News and many more.

The videos of our protest has received millions of views on social media.

Britain First congratulates our candidate Nick Scanlon on his great result. 

It takes a lot of courage to stand for mayor in a city like London.

Nick did us all proud.

Onwards and upwards!

Yours sincerely
Paul Golding
Co-Leader, Britain First

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