BREAKING: Britain First campaign in London sabotaged by 'London Elects' team!

By Paul Golding - On 6 November last year, I attended London City Hall with our mayoral candidate Nick Scanlon and Alex Merola.

This was a candidates and agents briefing for the London elections.

During this meeting, I stood up several times to ask the 'London Elects' team technical questions about the elections.

One of the questions was the criteria, or threshold, to be allocated TV broadcasts.

The London Elects team responded that London election candidates are not entitled to TV broadcasts.

They told me this in front of sixty or so attendees.

Rather confused, I nevertheless accepted this answer as honest and genuine.

Surely the London Elects team wouldn't lie or mislead us in front of such a large crowd, surely?

Back in 2016, when I stood for Mayor of London, we enjoyed TV broadcasts, but a lot has changed since then.

For example, voters are no longer given the choice of a 'second preference' vote when electing a Mayor of London.

Based on the answer given to me by the London Elects team, we decided to only stand a single candidate for the London assembly, rather than a full slate.

After all, there's no point standing candidates for no reason, exposing them unnecessarily to public scrutiny and attention.

Considering the demographic disaster in London, it would be a political earthquake to get a single candidate elected to the London assembly, so we decided to only stand one candidate.

Based on the word of the London Elects team, this made perfect, logical sense to us.

But then, as soon as the nominations closed on Wednesday, and our candidacy was confirmed, we suddenly get an email from the BBC, reproduced below (the important part is highlighted in red):

As you can see above, we are now being told that we have not met the 'threshold criteria' for TV broadcasts!

We have been stitched up by the elections team at City Hall, who told us in front of a large crowd of witnesses that candidates in the London elections are no longer entitled to TV broadcasts!

If we had been told the truth, we would have stood a full slate of candidates for the assembly, and we would have enjoyed TV broadcasts as part of our campaign.

Now our only option is expensive High Court legal action, which a dodgy, lefty judge may rule against us in anyway.

Determined to collect evidence to use against the London Elects team, I contacted them to ask them if they had recorded the meeting back in November, and this was their response:

How terribly convenient that the video of the event has now been deleted.

This is disgusting, but unsurprising, behaviour in our Third World country.

I am angry that we have been hoodwinked by the London Elects team, but at the same time I am resolved to make up for the loss of TV broadcasts in our campaign!

Early this coming week, I will be in London to film a 'party election broadcast' with our candidate Nick Scanlon.

Our 'party election broadcast' may not be broadcast by the BBC on TV thanks to the duplicity of the London Elects team, but we will be publishing it on X/Twitter and blasting it out to everyone who lives in London using video ads!

It is absolutely critical we show the liars at London Elects and the BBC that we will not be deterred by their deceitful actions.

We have faced sabotage before, when the Electoral Commission obstructed us for four years to stop is becoming a political party.

We defeated them then, and we will overcome London Elects and the BBC during this election!

Whereas we were planning on a modest budget of £3,000 for video adverts during this campaign, now I want to increase that to £8,000, or more!

We also still have to buy leaflets, street banners, business cards and Battle Bus banners.

Here is the updated layout of our campaign:

30,000 leaflets: £1,000
10 big banners: £700
Battle Bus banners: £500
Business cards: £1,000
Video adverts (X): £8,000
TOTAL = £11,200

The lying, cheating crooks at London Elects and the BBC need to be taught a lesson!

Unfortunately, we don't have lefty Trade Unions funding us, or City of London hedge-fund traders giving us exorbitant amounts, like the old-gang parties.

We can't promise peerages to millionaires to filch money out of them!

No, this is a people-powered movement that depends on an army of ordinary, decent, proud Britons.

The establishment has met their match in this movement and we intend to fight on regardless of the odds we face until final victory is ours.

Believe me, I am determined to fight and struggle for Britain to the bitter end, regardless of what happens to me personally, even if they try and assassinate me.

Please help our party - and our brave Mayor of London candidate Nick Scanlon - by chipping in with a donation that will help us overcome the latest round of sabotage.

Please chip in with an amount you can afford:

Yours sincerely
Paul Golding
Co-Leader, Britain First

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