Britain First has today submitted a petition to the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick.

The petition submission reads as follows:

Dear Commissioner Dick,

Please find the following link to our petition, which has so far garnered 49,456 signatures:

On Remembrance Sunday, a fascist Met Police bully unnecessarily shoved a veteran - who was playing his bagpipes - to the floor, an event that was captured on camera and broadcast on social media around the world.

This was an outrageous use of force by an over-zealous police officer against a former member of the Armed Forces. It also reinforces the widely-held perception that there is a two-tier policing system in operation - with one rule for BLM and Marxist thugs and another rule for law-abiding citizens.

We demand that the Met Police sack the police officer in question and issue a public apology and an assurance that the police will treat veterans with respect in the future.

Yours sincerely, etc.,

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to sign our petition, and we will advise you of any response from Commissioner Dick as soon as we receive it.

Timothy Burton
Chairman, Britain First

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