Sebastian Walsh is a 19-year-old student from the University of Central Lancashire who was suspended from his course after students complained about his 'offensive' views on immigration, Islam and halal slaughter during lectures and seminars.
In a statement, the University made clear that its commitment to political correctness, multiculturalism and diversity took priority over the freedom of students to enunciate unpopular points of view, even during on-campus breaks between lectures and seminars.
The University has said that Sebastian Walsh will only be allowed to resume his studies if he signs a good conduct agreement and completes a course in diversity training.
Even in an age where 'the right to be offended' is found everywhere, the University of Central Lancashire has overstepped the mark and capitulated to the politically correct mob by suspending Sebastian Walsh for expressing nothing more than a series of commonly-held political opinions.
Every student should be allowed to express their point of view on any subject - especially controversial subjects such as immigration, Islam and halal slaughter - without the fear of having their university course terminated and their future employment irreparably blighted.
We demand that Sebastian Walsh is reinstated without further delay and that the University issues a full apology with a promise to uphold unconditional free speech going forward.
Take part in our campaign and your message will be sent immediately and automatically to Professor Graham Baldwin, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Central Lancashire:
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