The statue of the great philanthropist Edward Colston was recently torn down from its plinth in Bristol because, like many other merchants of his time, his company's complicity in the trans-Atlantic slave trade allegedly makes him a racist by today's 'woke' standards.
However, a local artist has erected a sculpture of a Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist in its place fist raised in a 'black power' salute!
The irony of this appears to be lost on Bristol City Council, whose weak and spineless response has been to say that 'it does not appear that planning permission was obtained for this sculpture'.
Britain First have a forthright message for Bristol City Council:
Tear down this offensive work of racism immediately, or face the wrath of the Britain First movement!
To send a complaint demanding that the black power statue is taken down immediately, use the form below and your message will be sent immediately and automatically to Mike Jackson, CEO of Bristol City Council, and Marvin Rees, Mayor of Bristol: