The bishops will deliver us to Islam

In 1926, German artist George Grosz painted this picture:

Entitled The Pillars of Society, the painting rages at a corrupt establishment that had dragged Germany through a calamitous war leading to mass unemployment, rampant inflation and social upheaval.

The painting's main characters are a warmongering aristocrat, a shit-for-brains politician, a dumb journalist with a chamber pot for a hat, and a hideous priest or bishop, his face florid from booze and debauchery.

If Grosz were painting the picture now, doubtless he'd show the politician taking bungs from the European Commission, and the clergyman sodomising a choirboy.

The Western establishment today is arguably no less mired in idiocy and corruption than Weimar Germany's, and the bishops are especially culpable for encouraging and facilitating a potentially calamitous Islamisation.

If you've visited this website recently, you'll know that Britain First activist and devout Christian Ken Kearsey has been excommunicated by the Church of England for holding politically incorrect views, including a refusal to acknowledge Islam as a 'religion of peace'

The left-wing Bishop of Sherborne simply expelled him, without due process or right of appeal.

Evidently in the Anglican Church, Christians holding 'wrong' opinions are less deserving of charity and tolerance than illegal immigrants and 'refugees'.

When it comes to welcoming Islamisation, bishops lead the way, as the following examples attest.

Archbishop backs sharia law for Britain
Back in 2008, then Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams argued that Britain should adopt aspects of sharia law, for the sake of 'social cohesion'. He said: 'It's not as if we're bringing in an alien and rival system [!?]... There is a place for finding what would be a constructive accommodation with some aspects of Muslim law...'.

Scottish bishop 'dismayed' by online abuse following Koran reading in cathedral
In 2017 David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane invited a Muslim student to St Mary's Cathedral, Glasgow to read - in Arabic - passages from the Koran concerning the birth of Christ, whose divinity Islam specifically denies.

Catholic archbishop teaches Koran
In a Christian country where many young people have little knowledge of the Bible, Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald of Cleveland, USA gives much of his time to teaching the Koran to undergraduate and graduate students.

Pennysylvania: cathedral prayer praised Mohammed as 'messenger of God'
In 2015 Joseph Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, Pennsylvania allowed an interfaith service in St Peter's Cathedral including this prayer: 'God is great. I bear witness that there is no God except the one God. I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.'

Swedish bishop wants Muslim prayer spaces in church
Eva Brunne, lesbian Bishop of Stockholm, called for a church in the city's waterfront area to be made more welcoming for Muslims by removing Christian symbols and providing Islamic prayer spaces.

France: archbishop 'delighted' at opening of huge mosque
Catholic archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort earlier this year attended the inauguration of the Grand Mosque of Reims (below), part-funded by Kuwait and Qatar, with space for 2,000 worshippers. In a speech expressing 'delight' at the development, he said: 'May the joy of this day illuminate the life of the Muslims of Reims for a very long time...'.

Thank God though, there are still some real Christians in the Church establishment.

Rev. Andrew Symes, for example, of the conservative Anglican Mainstream network, who is scathing of 'interfaith', especially the reciting of Islamic prayers in churches and cathedrals. He said:

Inclusive mosques and multi-faith services are not the actions of prophets but of poodles of the secular liberal establishment. ... Here Muslims are leading professing Christians in the worship of a deity other than the Trinity inside a church sanctuary. This is not merely an intellectual, theological and missiological question, or an issue of the flouting of church rules. It is, according to Scripture, something offensive to Christ who alone is worthy of worship and prayer.


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