Why hasn't Javid deported these evil predators?

Local residents have slammed Home Secretary Sajid Javid for failing to deport members of a notorious Rochdale grooming gang, even though they were stripped of their citizenship months ago.

Shabir Ahmed, 66, Abdul Rauf, 50, Abdul Aziz, 48 and Adil Khan, 49, who have dual UK-Pakistani citizenship, were among nine men jailed in 2012 for exploiting girls as young as 12.

The Home Office will not say whether a decision has been made to deport them.

Ahmed, who was known as 'Daddy' in the gang, is still serving a 22-year jail term for rape.

In August 2018, Aziz, Khan and Rauf lost an appeal against being stripped of their British citizenship.

Ahmed, Rauf, Aziz, and Khan, lost a previous battle to keep British citizenship in February 2017.

These evil predators gang-raped dozens of vulnerable girls after plying them with drugs and alcohol.

Their overstay is costing the British taxpayer countless £thousands

So why in God's name are they still here?

In a sane society, deportation would be the least of their worries.


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