Archbishop: It's patriotic to oppose large-scale Muslim immigration

At the Roman Life Forum last May, US Cardinal Raymond Burk said:

To be opposed to large-scale Muslim immigration is the responsible exercise of one's patriotism.

He reminded his Catholic audience that church teaching on immigrants advocates help for those unable to live in their own country, but not for 'opportunists'.

Burk, who is known in Catholic circles as a conservative and traditionalist, believes Western societies must return to their Christian roots if they are to avoid the nightmare prospect of future Islamic government.

As he said in his 2016 book, Hope for the World: To Unite All Things in Christ:

Islam is a religion that, according to its own interpretation, must also become the State. The Koran, and the authentic interpretations of it given by various experts in Koranic law, is destined to govern the world. ... In reality, there is no place for other religions, even though they may be tolerated as long as Islam has not succeeded in establishing its sovereignty over the nations and over the world.

The Cardinal's warning is in stark contrast to the open-borders, immigrant-foot-kissing lunacy of his liberal boss, Pope Francis, with whom he has clashed on several other issues including divorce, homosexuality and same-sex marriage (which he regards asĀ 'diabolical').

Cardinal Burk is that rarest of creatures in the modern West: a principled church leader ready to defend Christian Europe.

May God protect him.


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