Choudary's gangsters regroup!

Pro-Sharia militant Anjem Choudary's release from high-security Belmarsh Prison a few months ago appears to have stirred his gang of Islamist loons, low-lifes and lags back into action.
Read moreFinally! RSPCA Calls for Ban on Halal Slaughter

The RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) has finally taken a firm stand against non-stun animal slaughter, including both Islamic halal and Jewish kosher (shechita) methods.
Read more'Brides of Jihad' Could Face Summary Execution

Abase Hussen, father of one of the 'jihadi brides', has demanded that the terrorist-comforters be allowed 'home'.
Read moreKeep This Terror Moll out of Britain!

A young woman who joined Islamist terror group Isis is pleading to be let back into Britain.
Read moreBig trans is watching you!

Few places in Britain have escaped the 'transgender' epidemic, and even in my seaside town, people of uncertain sex are now quite a common sight.
Read moreWe need more unruly tongues!

If any of you read my little article on engaging with a Christian charity on the subject of Britain First and racism, you will have seen, at the foot of the piece, links to articles in the Worcester News covering our recent day of action in the city.
Read moreBritain First demands ZERO immigration!

The population of Africa is 1.3 billion and growing by 30 million each year.
Read moreShock - 14 of World's 15 Worst Countries for Female Equality Are Islamic!

The Global Gender Gap Report, published annually by the World Economic Forum (WEF), benchmarks women's equality in 150 countries along four dimensions: economic participation, educational attainment, health and survival, and political engagement.
Read moreRobots v. Jihadists

Sadly, the above headline heralds neither the unleashing of a Crusader robot in Anjem Choudary's backyard, nor the creation of a 'Jihadi Vision' cyborg army to hunt down the 20,000+ potential terrorists still roaming British streets.
Read moreThose Who Help Illegal Immigrants, Hate the British

Italy's Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini (pictured), has pledged to prosecute those who defy a security decree aimed at curbing illegal migration.
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