UK: Violent Somali migrant claims deportation would 'breach human rights'

Asylum seeker, 30, with 18 convictions and a history of violent crime is fighting to stay in the UK 

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UK: Conservatives face independent inquiry into 'Islamophobia'

UK government rejected a working definition of 'Islamophobia' less than three months ago

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Canada: Motion 103, free speech and Islamophobia

Canadian House of Commons approves Motion 103 condemning 'Islamophobia'

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UK: 'High percentage of Muslims in UK prisons due to poverty, lack of education, and racial profiling'

UK Muslim community is 4.8 percent, but Muslim inmates are 16 percent of the prison population

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UK: Accused jihad mass murderer gets legal aid, families of victims don’t

Hashem Abedi will be represented by state lawyers when he goes to trial accused of 22 counts of murder 

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UK: Regulator rules Jon Snow’s racist comments broke no rules

Jon Snow claimed that he had 'never seen so many white people in one place' at a Brexit protest demo

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Belgium: Islam party chairman sacked from job over expressed views

Abdelhay Bakkali Tahiri distributed Islam party tracts during working hours while dressed in his work uniform

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Hatred of politicians is greater than at any time in living memory

'Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.' - John F. Kennedy

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Victoria's Secret lingerie empire hires transgender model

A man presenting himself as a woman will be modeling for a brand that markets itself exclusively to women.

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Nigeria: Genocide of Christians by jihadists 'major global security concern'

And Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups still pretend that jihad violence has nothing to do with Islam

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Neil Basu thinks Islamic terrorism is due to 'deprivation'

Britain's most senior counter terrorism officer, Neil Basu, claims that 'poverty and deprivation' drive people to terrorism, so we should give them more stuff to stop them bombing us.

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Germany: State media refuses to report on Stuttgart sword murder

Media spokesperson claims that the attack was 'not of national importance or societal significance'

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UK: Britain's largest Islamic bank has ties to terrorists

The Al-Rayan Bank has been found to provide services to a US-banned charity associated with terrorism

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US Defence officials say that Turkey is aiding resurgence of ISIS

Islamic State fighters to launch campaigns in Iraq and Kurdish regions along the Syria-Iraq border

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Canada: Known ISIS supporter released from custody

Canada's Border Service Agency says he is a risk to national security but courts released him anyway

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